Monday, March 31

बेकरी बंद आहे आणि केक खायची इच्छा झाली तर बनवा हा सोप्पा केक,मैद्यापासून क्रिम बनवायची सोप्पी पद्धत

बेकरी बंद आहे आणि केक खायची इच्छा झाली तर बनवा हा सोप्पा केक,मैद्यापासून क्रिम बनवायची सोप्पी पद्धत

सोपा चॉकलेट केक बनवण्यासाठी लागणारे साहित्य
• १/२ कप पिठीसाखर
• १/२ कप पाणी
• १/४ कप तेल
• १ चमचा कॉफी
• २~३ थेम्ब वॅनिला इसेन्स
• १ कप मैदा
• ३ मोठे चमचे अनस्वीटन्ड कोको पावडर
• १/२ चमचा खायचा सोडा
• १/२ चमचा बेकिंग पावडर
• १ चमचा लिंबाचा रस
• १/२ कप साखर
• १/२ कप दूध
• २ मोठे चमचे मैदा
• २ मोठे चमचे अनस्वीटन्ड कोको पावडर
• २~३ थेम्ब वॅनिला इसेन्स
• १०० ग्रॅम्स बटर
• ३ चमचे पाणी
• १ चमचा साखर
• चोको चिप्स
• सिल्व्हर बबल्स

बाजार हैं बन्द और केक खाने का करे मन, तो घर पर ही बनायें बिना अंडा बिना ओवन. कूकर मध्ये केक बनवायची सोप्पी पद्धत . LockDown Cake Recipe.

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Chocolate cake is all time favourite among every age group. We already have seen chocolate cake recipe. But today we will be making cake using all that we can easily have in our pantry. We are making icing too using maida only. You can try this recipe at home and drop a comment for me. Do not forget to like, share and subscribe.

• 1/2 cup powdered Sugar
• 1/2 cup Water
• 1/4 cup Oil
• 1 tsp Coffee
• 2~3 drops Vanilla essence
• 1 cup Maida
• 3 tbsp unsweetened Cocoa powder
• 1/2 tsp Baking soda
• 1/2 tsp Baking powder
• 1 tsp Lemon juice
• 1/2 cup Sugar
• 1/2 cup Milk
• 2 tbsp Maida
• 2 tbsp Cocoa powder
• 2~3 drops Vanilla essence
• 100 gm Butter
• 2 tsp Water
• 1 tsp Sugar
• Choco chips
• Silver bubbles

• Take cooer and remove the whistle and rubber ring.
• Give a thin layer of salt at the base and place an empty pot on it.
• Close the lid and preheat the cooker on medium heat for about 10 minutes.
• Grease the cake tin really good with oil and keep it aside.
• In a bowl take powdered sugar. Add water, oil, coffee, vanilla essence and mix everything well
• Put a strainer on the bowl and add maida, unsweetened cocoa powder, baking soda, baking
powder and mix well.
• Strain the mixture into the bowl.
• Mix everything well together.
• When everything is about to combine really good add lemon juice and mix well.
• When the batter becomes creamy and smooth transfer it into the cake tin and tap it really
• Take the preheated cooker and place a dish on the empty pot in it.
• Place the cake tin on it and close the lid.
• Bake the cake on medium heat for 25-30 minutes.
• In a pan take sugar, milk, maida and mix well. No lumps of maida should be formed.
• Turn on the gas and cook on medium heat until mixture thickens up really good for about 3-4
• When the mixture begins to thicken up add cocoa powder, vanilla essence and mix well.
• Turn off the gas and transfer the mixture into a bowl.
• Transfer the bowl into freeze to cool down.
• In a bowl take butter that is at room temperature and beat it really good until it becomes nice
and white.
• Transfer the bowl into freeze for about 10 minutes to cool down.
• Check the cake with a toothpick. If it comes out clean, it means the cake is baked well.
• Let the cool down completely.
• Take the butter and chocolate mixture out.
• Add spoonful mixture at a time into butter and whisk it well.
• When all the mixture is combined well with butter the cream is all ready for garnishing and
keep it aside.
• After cooling the cake for about 10 minutes loosen the edges and flip over the cake into a dish.
• Let the cake cool down completely. Cut the cake into 2 pieces horizontally.
• Take off the upper layer and keep it aside.
• Dissolve sugar into water to make sugar syrup.
• Sprinkle sugar syrup on the cake to keep it moist.
• Spread the cream evenly on it.
• Place the other layer of cake on it and again sprinkle sugar syrup on it.
• Again add cream on the cake and spread it evenly.
• Spread the cream evenly along the sides too.
• Garnish the cake as you want.

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For more Such Recipes

बिनअंड्याचा नी बिनलोण्याचा चॉकलेट केक | Eggless Chocolate cake recipe | Ep – 285
बिनअंड्याचा नी बिनलोण्याचा चॉकलेट केक | Eggless Chocolate cake recipe | Ep - 285

४० रुपयात बनवा बेकरी स्टाईल केक, झटपट क्रीम सह | Egg less Chocolate Cake | Cooker Cake by Madhura
४० रुपयात बनवा बेकरी स्टाईल केक, झटपट क्रीम सह  | Egg less Chocolate Cake | Cooker Cake by Madhura

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