Sunday, February 23

12 Scientific Discoveries That’ll Send Chills Down Your Spine

12 Scientific Discoveries That'll Send Chills Down Your Spine

Let’s find out whether such astounding progress is good and if this “science of the future” can actually come back and bite us later. Did you know that there’s a strong chance of a remote control for the body and brain being invented?
With each passing day, science continues to move forward. It keeps expanding the boundaries of human capabilities to such an extent, that it seems like it’s just a matter of time until we see something we could’ve imagined only in the boldest sci-fi flicks!

Transplantation of a human head 1:16
Selective amnesia 2:14
Water on Mars 2:58
A child from three parents 3:50
Organs grown in a lab 4:39
“Plastic” diseases 5:33
Nanorobots inside people 6:24
There are one billion planets that look like the Earth 7:20
3-D bioprinter that can print human skin 8:10
Bacteria evolving faster than we find cures for them 9:03
Mysterious Universe 9:56
Remote control for the brain 10:42

– Sergio Canavero, a neurosurgeon from Italy, is planning to take on a divine endeavor – bringing people back from the dead! The Italian scientist is sure that successful transplantation of a human head is a fairly realistic possibility.
– Would you like to get rid of all your phobias, worries, bad memories and fears? Well, lucky for you, scientists are now ready to do just that and rid your brain of all the negative thoughts and flashbacks without affecting the important parts of your life’s history. All this can be done by combining brain scanning technologies and artificial intelligence.
– In 2016 NASA made an exciting announcement – there are some tiny frozen seas on Mars! In fact, scientists don’t exclude the likelihood that the water there may flow underground. And where there’s water, there’s the possibility of life, right?
– In 2016 a baby boy was born using a new and innovative technique that incorporates DNA from not two but three people! This scientific sensation allowed the baby’s parents to conceive a perfectly healthy newborn, despite the fact that the mother carries genes of Leigh syndrome, which is a fatal disorder that affects the central nervous system.
– Scientists at The Ohio State University (go Buckeyes!) have spent nearly 15 weeks in the lab growing a human brain. The final product of this serious lab work has the same developmental level as a nine-week-old fetus!
– As it turns out, we consume loads of poisonous chemicals every day without even realizing it. Plastic drink containers and bottles can lead to all sorts of health problems. Among them are uterine cancer, breast cancer, heart attack, diabetes, and that’s just a drop in the bucket of the whole list of possible “surprises” you may end up with.
– Teeny-tiny bots can store and transport remedies to sick and ailing parts in your body. Amazingly enough, these little babies can also detect diseased cells on their own!
– Two years ago NASA came to the conclusion that there are nearly one billion planets that are similar to the Earth. And we’re talking about in our galaxy alone. Just imagine what could be outside of it! So, basically, what it means is that there are billions of planets where intelligent life could possibly live.
– Spanish scientists have presented a prototype of a bioprinter that can print totally functional human skin! This skin can be used for transplantation, cosmetics testing, and really any type of medical experimentation.
– Even though medicine continues to advance forward as quickly as it can with all its new and effective antibiotics and vaccines, it turns out that it isn’t moving fast enough. Unfortunately, some strains of bacteria are always a couple of steps ahead of us.
– Such important things as dark matter and dark energy are completely unexplored to this day. The only thing astronomers are sure of is that all of these dark parts are the main causes for the expansion of the universe.
– In 1923 scientists learned to control the brain’s neurons, which allowed them to control movements and manipulate emotions and feelings. Sounds kind of dark, right? And that’s not all.

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