Sunday, March 9

29 April 2020 क्या आज शाम पृथ्वी से टकरायेगा विशालकाय Asteroid ? A Huge Asteroid Can Hit the earth

Social Media पर लोगों का दावा 29 अप्रैल को होगा दुनिया का खात्मा NASA ने बताई इस वायरल न्यूज़ की सच्चाई नई दिल्ली। कोरोन वायरस (Coronavirus) ने पूरी दुनिया में आतंक मचा रखा है। ये वायरस अब तक 5000 से अधिक लोगों की जान ले चुका है।वहीं पूरी दुनिया में 1 लाख से अधिक लोग इस वायरस के चपेट में हैं। इन सब के बीच एक अफ़वाह भी सोशल मीडिया पर खूब चर्चा में है। दरअसल, सोशल मीडिया पर कुछ लोग दावा कर रहे हैं कि आगामी 29 अप्रैल को पूरी दुनिया का विनाश (End Of The World) हो जाएगा। Influenza Virus ने निगल ली थी 10 करोड़ लोगों की जिंदगी, कोरोना से कई गुना थी खतरनाक ये बीमारी दावा- दरअसल, सोशल मीडिया पर कई वीडियो वायरल हो रहे हैं, जिसमें दावा किया जा रहा है कि आगामी 29 अप्रैल यानी एक महिने बाद इस दुनिया से मानव सभ्यता का खात्मा हो जाएगा। वीडियो में बताया जा रहा है कि आगामी 29 अप्रैल (An Asteroid Hit Earth In 29 April 2020) को एक Asteroid जिसका लंबाई हिमालय इतनी है वे पृथ्वी से टकरागा और दुनिया खत्म हो जाएगी। People will claim on social media on 29th April to end the world NASA told the truth of this viral news new Delhi. Coronavirus has caused panic all over the world. This virus has killed more than 5000 people so far. Whereas more than 1 lakh people are vulnerable to this virus all over the world. Amidst all this, a rumor is also very much discussed on social media. In fact, some people on social media are claiming that on April 29, the end of the world will be destroyed. Influenza Virus swallowed 100 million lives, this disease was many times more dangerous than coronaClaim In fact, many videos are going viral on social media, in which it is being claimed that the human civilization will be eliminated from this world after 29th April i.e. a month. It is being told in the video that on the upcoming 29 April (An Asteroid Hit Earth in 29 April 2020) an Asteroid whose length is so much that the Himalayas will hit the Earth and the world will end.
29 april asteroid 2020,NASA,asteroid 2020 where will it hit,asteroid april 2020 nasa,29 april 2020 nasa,asteroid in april,asteroid warning,nasa asteroid,nasa asteroid warning 2020,29 april 2020 nasa report,52768 (1998 or2),1998 or2 live,will 1998 or2 hit earth,1998 or2 in bangla,1998 or2 tracker,1998 or2 asteroid nasa,29 अप्रैल 2020 को क्या होने वाला है,29 april 2020 ko kya hone wala hai, › asteroid-5276…A large asteroid is due to pass on April 29 | Astronomy Essentials | EarthSky › huge-a…Huge asteroid 1998 OR2 will zip harmlessly by Earth April 29. See the …

www.newsstate.comAlert! Earth in Danger: 2020 में ऐसे तबाह हो जाएगी पृथ्वी, Asteroid 1998 OR2 करेगा भयंकर विनाश › asteroid-5276…A large asteroid is due to pass on April 29 | Astronomy Essentials | EarthSky

The big asteroid 1998 OR2 will zoom within 3.9 million miles (6.3 million kilometers) of our planet early Wednesday morning (April 29). While that’s a close shave in the context of the visible universe, which is more than 90 billion light-years wide, there’s zero chance that the space rock will hit Earth on this pass, scientists stress.

Indeed, at its closest approach, the roughly 1.5-mile-wide (2.4 km) 1998 OR2 will still be about 16 times farther from us than the moon is from the Earth. (The moon orbits Earth at an average distance of 239,000 miles, or 385,000 km.)

Video: Asteroid 1998 OR2’s April 29, 2020 Earth flyby explained
Related: Potentially dangerous asteroids (images)

And you can let relief keep washing over you, for we know of no big asteroids that could harm us in the foreseeable future.

“There are no asteroids which have any significant chance of hitting the Earth that are of any significant size,” Paul Chodas, manager of NASA’s Center

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