Saturday, February 22


Regardless of whether we’re young or old, the world in which we live is full of incredible things and phenomena of which we’ve yet to learn. That’s how it is, how it’s always been, and how it always will be. One simply can’t know everything. Today Bright Side presents you with a collection of fascinating facts that are definitely worth checking out!

Biology 0:33
Physics 2:56
History 5:05
Culture and general facts 7:10

– The hummingbird is the only bird that can fly backward. Also, they can move sideways, hover for an hour, and even fly upside down!
– The fingerprints of a koala are indistinguishable from the fingerprints of a human. Experts would struggle telling human and koala fingerprints apart, even when studied under an electron microscope!
– The time difference between when Tyrannosaurus and Stegosaurus lived is greater than the time difference between Tyrannosaurus and us.
– The heart of a blue whale is so huge that a human child could easily swim through its arteries.
– Honey is the only food that never goes bad. You can safely keep it for a year or two, and even forever!
– It literally rains diamonds on Saturn and Jupiter. And the biggest diamonds would likely be about a centimeter in diameter.
– If you imagine that the Sun is a human cell, then, by size comparison, the Milky Way galaxy would be like the United States.
– Cleopatra lived closer to the time of the Moon landings than the time when the pyramids were built.
– We’ll never know for sure who invented the fire hydrant because the patent for it was lost in the Washington D.C. patent office fire in 1836.
– Every two minutes, we take more pictures than all of humanity did throughout the 19th century.
– When the Warner Brothers film studio was founded, the Ottoman Empire still existed.
– From space, you can see the border between East and West Germany because the regions use different types of light bulbs.
– An in-depth exploration of almost any Wikipedia article’s cross-references and links sooner or later brings you to the subject of Philosophy.
– If we were capable of hearing noises lower than 20 Hertz, we would be able to hear our own muscles contracting.

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Music: I Love You by Vibe Tracks is part of the YouTube Audio Library (

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