Monday, March 31

Wild video captures teenager, man brawling outside California coffee shop | New York Post

A man was caught on camera brawling with a teenager outside a California coffee shop last Monday in front of stunned witnesses.

The wild afternoon fight outside Havana Savannah in Valencia is being investigated by police, though no arrests have been made, the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Office told KTLA.

Footage of the scuffle, posted to the Instagram page “whatsupscv,” shows the bald man grappling on the ground with the male teenager near a white vehicle in a parking lot.

“Hey, go get someone, yo,” an onlooker says while the two struggle.

“Somebody call 911,” another chimes in.

The man appears to have the teen pinned, but the teen gets himself up, locks his arm around the man’s neck and forces him to the ground.


#california #crime #crimewave

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