Tuesday, March 11

Sextortionists sent South Carolina Rep. Brandon Guffey sick message after son’s suicide | NY Post


Sextortionists sent a grieving South Carolina lawmaker a sick message gloating about driving his teenage son to suicide — while threatening to release nude photos and demanding more money.

State Rep. Brandon Guffey, 54, told CNN that he got the Instagram message on the day his son Gavin would have turned 18 — and less than a month after he found him dead last year at their family home in Rock Hill.

The sick, tragic crime was behind Guffey introducing “Gavin’s Law,” which was passed by state senators Thursday and is expected to be signed into law soon.

It threatens scammers who extort a minor or an at-risk adult with up to five years in prison for a first offense.

Read more at https://nypost.com/2023/05/16/sextortionists-sick-message-to-sc-lawmaker-after-sons-suicide/

#southcarolina #brandonguffey #extortion

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