Tuesday, March 11

Trump refused to wear COVID mask because it smudged his bronzer, former aide claims

Former President Donald Trump refused to wear a mask at the height of the COVID pandemic because it smudged his makeup, a former aide claims.

Trump made the decision to forgo masks while visiting a Honeywell factory that produced the highly sought products in May 2020, according to Cassidy Hutchinson, a former aide to then-White House chief of staff Mark Meadows, in her new book, “Enough.”

She wrote that the former president chose to wear a white mask for the event, and asked staffers what they thought of it.

“I slowly shook my head,” Hutchinson writes. “The president pulled the mask off and asked why I thought he should not wear it.”

In response, Hutchinson said she pointed to the straps of her own mask — prompting the president to look down at his own, which is when he “saw they were covered in bronzer.”

“Why did no one else tell me that?” the president reportedly replied. “I’m not wearing this thing.”

Read more at https://nypost.com/2023/09/22/trump-refused-to-wear-covid-mask-it-smudged-his-bronzer-ex-aide/

#donaldtrump #mask #covid19 #politics

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