Monday, March 31

Jeffree Star & Tati Westbrook FEUDING, Is Their Friendship Over?!?

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Well in the words of the prolific Mo’Nique: “See, when you do the clownery, the clown comes back to bite”. And in this case, that clown is chompin’ on a bunch of Youtube makeup gurus.

What’s up guys it’s Sussan Mourad here with Clevver News and the great James Charles Sugar Bear Hair Debacle of 2019 is turning the page to another chapter – but this time it actually doesn’t involve James at all – just some other key players.

See, people are under the impression that Tati Westbrook and Jeffree Star are feuding thanks to two brand new makeup palettes, a scheduling conflict and ONE UNFOLLOW!

Jeffree Star has officially unfollowed Tati Westbrook on Instagram and fans are going nuts!

So let’s rewind and get the backstory… it all started about 5 days ago on October 22nd.

Jeffree retweeted a photo that Shane shared of their new collaborative makeup palette called “conspiracy”.

Jeffree said “I can’t wait for the world to see the Conspiracy palette” along with the day that it drops – November 1, 2019.

Well, shortly after, Tati also shared a photo of HER new make up pallet on Instagram.

And in the caption she announced the date that hers is going to drop as well – October 25, 2019.

Well, a lot of people think that Jeffree is real mad that she beat him to the punch and dropped her makeup palette just a few days before his & Shane’s.

I mean, it makes sense since a lot of their sales could be affected by having a tough competitor in the market. And with the holidays coming up, they both could lose out on a lot of money if their fans decide to buy one of their palettes over the other.

Which leads us to believe that they actually had a private conversation about their release dates prior to them announcing it on social.

And it possibly may not have gone over well.

See, there hasn’t been any public bashing from either one of them online. No mean tweets, no shady instagrams, no long format youtube videos — yet.

But that’s just the problem. They haven’t even MENTIONED one another online. Neither of them have reviewed each others’ pallets.

Actually, one of the only major Youtubers who reviewed Tati’s new line, which came out Friday, was Manny Mua. And he seemed to like it!

Tati responded to Manny on Twitter, saying “I’m crying glitter tears right now.
So grateful you would take time to review my shadow – especially when you just launched a beautiful collection of your own… pretty damn selfless & I’m kinda blown away”.

Sooo, back up. Maybe there was a shady tweet? I mean, does this sound like it was pointed at someone else?

And to take it one step further, it looks like Jeffree might be blocking or unfollowing not just Tati – but everyone who is praising her make up palette.

So many people think it’s kinda interesting that he nor Jeffree are supporting her at this time

But Tati has already sold out of her palette. On the 25th, the day of the release, she said “My heart is full… Thank You SO much! We did it! We started the day with 100k palettes & sold out in less than 12 Hours! Limited Pre – orders are now being accepted”

And Jeffree has spoken out about his love for Tati in the past as well. In May, just one month after Shane’s post, he said “HUGE congratulations to the makeup queen
@GlamLifeGuru on hitting 6 MILLION subscribers on YouTube today!!! You are one of a kind.”

So does this seem like just the beginning of what could potentially be a long feud? In the end, maybe we’ll get more information. Maybe they’ll release tell all videos or posts..

Or maybe not. Because they have more serious issues to deal with right now. Like meanwhile, Tati is facing the severe fires in the Los Angeles area. Early Monday morning, shortly after the latest brush fire broke out, she came on Twitter to give a little update: “Praying for my community. We are far enough away to not need to evacuate… but it’s close – I’m ready. All my p’s including Puka. Stay safe guys – if you’re near the border of an evacuation… just GO”

So we’ll keep an eye out to see if A) Tati is safe. And B) if there’s any more clues or conspiracy theories that come out of this possible feud. In the meantime, I want to hear from you. Do you think that they’re actually fighting? Or is this all just one big coincidence? Let me know your thoughts in the comment section below.

And then make sure you subscribe to Clevver News and I’ll keep you up to date on this story and so much more. It’s only Monday, guys, so you know we’ve got a lot coming at you this week. I’m Sussan Mourad, and I’ll see you later!

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