Wednesday, March 26

A Good Person Trailer #1 (2023)

Check out the official trailer for A Good Person starring Florence Pugh and Morgan Freeman!
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US Release Date: March 24, 2023
Starring: Florence Pugh, Morgan Freeman
Director: Zach Braff
Synopsis: In A Good Person, Allison (Florence Pugh) is a young woman with a bright future — a wonderful fiancé, a blossoming career, and supportive family and friends. But her world crumbles in the blink of an eye when she survives an unimaginable tragedy and emerges from recovery with an opioid addiction and unresolved grief. In the following years, it is the unlikely friendship she forms with her would-be father-in-law (Morgan Freeman) that gives her a fighting chance to put herself back together and move forward with her life.
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