Monday, March 10

Accused sex groomer Andie Rosafort seen at her Connecticut home | New York Post

A married Connecticut lunch lady accused of grooming a 14-year-old boy before sexually assaulting him in her SUV was tight-lipped and dismissive Thursday about the disturbing accusations.

Andie Rosafort, 31, was seen outside her New Fairfield home — lugging a Walmart plastic shopping bag topped with a box of Peeps, and clutching her phone and a pack of Marlboro cigarettes as she climbed out of an SUV.

She refused to answer questions about the reported inappropriate relationship with a student at New Fairfield High School.

Wearing white sneakers, blue jeans, and a green sweatshirt, Rosafor only flashed a little grin when asked to comment on her situation.

The school district filed a report against Rosafort after the father of one of the victim’s friends told administrators the boy was sexually assaulted at a party Jan. 13, according to an affidavit obtained by WTNH.


#connecticut #andierosafort #newfairfieldhighschool

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