Monday, March 31

Adorable baby humpback whale shows off with spectacular breaches | Whale Encounters

First Clip:
The awe-inspiring moment is seen off the coast off Newport Beach, California when a baby humpback whale that breaches off the coast multiple times in this incredible clip from April 26.

Second Clip:
An incredible close encounter of a playful baby humpback whale shocked diver, Audrey, in Neiafu, Tonga, on September 28.

The baby humpback whale swam around Audrey for almost 10 minutes.

“The vocal male calf was coming closer and closer, and I had to quickly back away so the whale’s tail didn’t accidentally whip me,” Audrey said. “It was a close and thrilling encounter!”

Third Clip:
This is the breathtaking moment a humpback whale calf interacts with its mum while gracing the surface of the water in Tonga.

The clip filmed in August shows the moment the calf ‘sings’ to its mother just metres away from divers.

Fourth Clip:
Sailors passing through the island of Vava’u, Tonga were treated to a beautiful and playful encounter with a mother and calf pair of humpback whales.

The calf is seen eyeing up the camera before playfully swimming under his mother, before both disappear into the distance.

The video was shot by Captain Marjan Golobic, who was sailing through the island as part of a global circumnavigation that started in St. Martin in the Caribbean.

The Vava’u lagoon serves as a breeding ground for humpback whales, where they look after their calves until they are strong enough to swim the open oceans.

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