Sunday, March 16

Alex Murdaugh captured in topless selfies from maximum-security prison

Cringeworthy prison selfies have emerged of double murderer Alex Murdaugh – who appears carefree and topless in his cell as he serves his two life sentences.

Murdaugh is seen in dozens of images taken from his prison tablet, according to YouTube channel Phone Calls From Prison, which said it obtained the snaps from the South Carolina Department of Corrections in a Freedom of Information request.

The disgraced lawyer is either wearing a white T-shirt or displays his pasty torso in his spartan digs at the McCormick Correctional Institution, where he is serving two life sentences for gunning down his wife, Maggie, 52, and 22-year-old son Paul in 2021.

“Alex Murdaugh’s Only Fans premiere,” YouTuber Jump Suit Pablo tells his roughly 60,000 subscribers. “I’m only kidding. But we have some leaked selfies. I’m sure he didn’t want these bad boys getting out.”

Murdaugh, 54, appears to be using a tablet that inmates are given to access movies and play a variety of games as they do their time, according to Pablo, who notes that they also are allowed to make video calls.


#alexmurdaugh #prison #selfies

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