Sunday, March 16

All four members of ‘The Squad’ cruise to reelection with newcomers arriving | New York Post

All four members of ‘The Squad’ cruise to reelection with newcomers arriving | New York Post

The Squad is staying in Washington — and may be growing.

The four progressive congresswomen who make up the group — Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez of New York, Ilhan Omar of Minnesota, Ayanna Pressley of Massachusetts, and Rashida Tlaib of Michigan — were each set to glide to re-election on Tuesday.

Bronx-born Ocasio-Cortez, 31, trounced Republican challenger John Cummings, securing another two years in Congress.

#TheSquad #AlexandriaOcasioCortez #IlhanOmar #AyannaPressley #RashidaTlaib

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