My first impressions of Season of the Wish are… ok. But I’m MAD about something.
http://youtu.be/mYSdTqwHM-k Season of the Wish features what I think is a really fantastic seasonal activity in The Coil, which is mainly what we're gonna be talking about today. However, there was one thing completely unrelated to the season that really, really annoyed me. Datto's Stream Archive: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCHsE-1yrzdq868vA_VdgKgA Watch Datto Live at https://www.twitch.tv/Datto on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Fridays. Datto is now partnered with Logitech! Use "Datto10" at checkout to get a 10% discount on Logitech and Logitech G products. https://logi.gg/Datto for Logitech, https://logi.link/Datto for Logitech G 5% discount on ASTRO gear: http://www.astro.family/DATTO (works in all available regions) Check out the new Datto Signature Series PC at Evolve and save m...