Which Car would you buy with $100,000?
Which Car would you buy with $100,000? It’s self-quarantine time in most of the civilized world, as citizens around the globe attempt to stay inside and away from the Coronavirus. While we’re here, stuck indoors, let’s have a little fun. We already spoke about which non-BMW would be in our dream garage. Now, we’re going to present another scenario — which car would you buy with $100,000?
To make the game a bit more interesting, let’s make you choose two different cars, one BMW and one non-BMW, and you have up to $100,000 to spend on each. You don’t have to spend the whole six-figures on either car but you only get one car per category. So you can’t choose a BMW M2 and 5 Series for the BMW category. It has to be just one car for each.
That ...