Sunday, February 23

Belgian cyclist who kneed over young girl wins lawsuit against her dad for posting viral video

A cyclist who sparked outrage when he kneed a 5-year-old girl to the ground in Belgium on Christmas Day 2020 has won a lawsuit against the child’s father for posting viral footage of the incident online, it emerged Friday.

The unidentified 63-year-old biker — who was captured on camera callously knocking little Neia into the snow on a nature path in Liege Province — won a defamation case against her dad, Patrick Mpasa, the Sun reported.

The cyclist claimed in the lawsuit that the shared footage caused him to feel threatened by angry social media users and scared to leave his home, the outlet reported.

A judge in the city of Verviers will decide in April how much to compensate him.

The jaw-dropping viral video shows the girl walking with her mother in a nature reserve before the cyclist rolls up behind them and appears to deliberately stick out his knee — knocking the child in the head and sending her toppling face-first into the snow.


#belgium #socialmedia #lawsuit #patrickmpasa #cyclist

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