Monday, March 31

Beloved subway saxophonist arrested by NYPD | New York Post

A beloved subway busker who regales commuters with a saxophone and a band of dancing, animatronic cats was arrested at a Midtown station as Mayor Eric Adams seeks to restore order to the transit system.

The musician, known as Jazz Ajilo, or the “dancing is happiness” man on social media, was arrested at the 34th Street Herald Square subway station on Thursday evening around 10:30 p.m. by six NYPD officers, according to police and video of the incident on the busker’s YouTube page.

The clip shows the musician having a conversation with the officers in one of his usual spots on the station’s mezzanine, surrounded by his gyrating figurines, speakers and a rotating donation box, when one of the cops suddenly grabs him to place him under arrest.

#newyorkcity #ericadams #nypd


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