Sunday, February 23

Ben & Jerry’s co-founder Ben Cohen arrested in DC protesting Julian Assange prosecution

Ben & Jerry’s co-founder Ben Cohen arrested in DC protesting Julian Assange prosecution

Ben & Jerry’s co-founder Ben Cohen was arrested in Washington, DC Thursday during a protest in support of Wikileaks publisher Julian Assange.

Cohen, of the popular Vermont-based ice cream brand, decried the US’s prosecution of Assange as an attack on freedom of the press outside the Department of Justice building along with the feminist activist group CODEPINK.

Cohen and CODEPINK co-founder Jodie Evans were both arrested for blocking the entrance to the DOJ building as they sat in front of the pathway for nearly an hour in the pouring rain, video shows.

At the start of the protest, the ice cream executive lit a “Freedom of the Press” sign on fire as he said: “Freedom of the press is going up in smoke.”

“There’s no democracy without freedom of the press because the press is the only thing that can hold government accountable,” Cohen said in his remarks. “And there’s no freedom of the press as long as Assange is being prosecuted.”


#bencohen #julianassange #benandjerrys

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