Thursday, March 13

Beyoncé Threw SHADE At Golden Globes & Brought Her Own Alcohol!

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So Beyonce was at last night’s Golden Globe Awards, to the surprise of many people – myself included.

What’s up guys it’s Sussan Mourad here with Clevver News and I was on the Red Carpet of Sunday night’s Golden Globes with my eyes peeled for Queen Bey – it’s not often that we get a sighting of her majesty at an award show, but when we do it certainly breaks the whole internet!

Beyonce attended the Golden Globes for her most recent film “The Lion King” which was up for TWO awards – “Best Motion Picture- Animated” and “Best Original Song”.

And of course, the best original song that was nominated was none other than “Spirit” – a song written and performed by Beyonce.

With the help of Blue Ivy, of course.

Unfortunately, Beyonce and Blue Ivy didn’t win the award for Best Original Song. The award went to “Rocketman” for the song “I’m Gonna Love Me Again”.

Rocketman was the movie about Elton John, who was also in the audience last night.

So while Beyonce didn’t win another Golden Statue – not that she is lacking in that department – she did win the internet.

She didn’t do too much at the Golden Globes besides sit there and carry the weight of the world on her shoulders, but that didn’t stop her from becoming the number 1 trend on Twitter for a while.

People were genuinely just excited to see her!

Like Sofia Carson, who was given the best award of the night – a compliment from Beyonce. She said “I walked into the Golden Globes and Beyonce told me she loved my dress. I’m gonna need a minute.”

I also told Sofia I loved her dress, she looked amazing!

Or “Dating No Filter” host Nina Parker, who just wanted to get a little bit closer. She said “I’M in the building with BEYONCE!! If y’all see security tackle me IT WAS WORTH IT”

I hear you girl!

Most people are LUCKY to go to these award shows and their afterparties. But Beyonce plays by her own rules. She showed up fashionably late AND with her own alcohol.

I guess open bar doesn’t have the same appeal if you and your husband are billionaires.

Typically, guests were sipping on HIGH END champagne, but one person noticed that when Beyonce and Jay-Z were waiting to make their belated entrance, their bodyguard was carrying two bottles of their own booze.

Yes, Jay-Z and Beyonce need to bring a body guard to an award show filled with other famous people.

Probably because of people like Nina who are tweeting that they’re going to tackle Beyonce! She has no time for that!

But back to the booze.

Someone in the ballroom took a photo of them from behind, saying “Beyonce and Jay-Z just walked in. They’re waiting until Kate McKinnon finishes speaking to take their seats. Is their bodyguard carrying bottles of alc for them?”

He certainly is! One bottle of champagne each, it looks like.

And as someone else on twitter pointed out, it’s Jay-Z’s own brand of Champagne, Armand de Brignac, AKA Ace of Spades.

They said “Jay Z owns Ace of Spades. Can’t be seen on tv with a Moët bottle in front of him.”

That’s just good business! They’re pretty much direct competitors.

And at about $300 per bottle, why not drink out of your own supply? Yes, that’s another Jay-Z reference. I know my stuff about rap, guys.

But bringing their own champagne wasn’t the only thing that people were questioning about their appearance.

Eyes definitely took notice when Joaquin Phoenix won the award for best actor in a motion picture for his role as The Joker. And everyone gave him a standing ovation… everyone but Beyonce.

Joaquin’s role as the Joker was pretty controversial, so people think Beyonce was shading him by refusing to stand up with the rest of the crowd.

Who knows if that was the case. Maybe the Ace of Spades kicked in quickly and she was just a little too buzzed to realize everyone else was standing.

Or maybe she just didn’t like The Joker and thought that Adam Driver should’ve won for Marriage Story.

We know she played out her own version of Marriage Story back in 2014.

Regardless, people online are pretty divided about stand-gate 2020.

Honestly, I’d trust her with my life as well.

Let her and her big shoulders do whatever they would like! She’s earned our respect and it’s not coming into question in 2020.

What do you guys think about the whole thing? Do you have any thoughts on why Beyonce didn’t stand for Joaquin? What did you think of them bringing their own champagne?? Let me know your thoughts in the comments below!

And then start your year off right by subscribing to Clevver News. You’ll get all the best updates from your favorite celebs and entertainers. I’m Sussan Mourad and I’ll see ya next time!

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