Saturday, March 29

Biden does sign of cross in bizarre moment with Israeli PM Netanyahu

Biden does sign of cross in bizarre moment with Israeli PM Netanyahu

President Biden unexpectedly crossed himself Wednesday during a one-on-one meeting with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on the sidelines of the United Nations General Assembly in Midtown.

The 80-year-old Roman Catholic president made the conspicuous hand gesture — touching his forehead, stomach and left and right breast area with his right hand — as the Jewish leader began speaking.

“We’ve been friends for, I’ve checked it, over 40 years,” Netanyahu said, prompting Biden to make the sign of the cross in a possible joke about his own age.

However, the president did not explain his action and the White House did not immediately respond to a request for comment.

The sign of the cross dates to early Christianity and is often used as a self-blessing during prayer.


#joebiden #benjaminnetanyahu #israel #us

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