Sunday, February 23

Biden grins, chuckles when asked about alleged tapes of him getting bribed

President Biden acted amused Tuesday when asked about the alleged existence of audio recordings of himself and the Ukrainian businessman who allegedly bribed him while he was vice president.

“Are there tapes that you accepted bribes, President Biden? Is that true?” The Post asked Biden as he left an event with US diplomats in the White House East Room.

Biden, 80, stopped mid-stride and turned around with a smile on his face — then seemed to chuckle to himself and shook his head as he turned to walk away without saying a word.

Sen. Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa) revealed Monday that a paid FBI source said the same Ukrainian businessman who allegedly paid $5 million apiece in bribes to then-Vice President Biden and his son Hunter in 2015 and 2016 said that he had 15 audio recordings of Hunter and two of Joe Biden that he kept as “insurance.”

Grassley accused the FBI of redacting information about the tapes from an informant file that the bureau allowed House Oversight Committee members to read last week.


#joebiden #ukraine #investigation #hunterbiden

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