Sunday, February 23

Billie Eilish Mercilessly DRAGGED For Not Knowing Van Halen!

Billie Eilish Mercilessly DRAGGED For Not Knowing Van Halen!

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I told you last week about Billie Eilish’s super busy schedule. So now I can tell you without a shadow of a doubt that she does NOT have the time to deal with some online nonsense like this.

What’s up guys it’s Sussan Mourad here with Clevver News and Billie is facing backlash on Twitter from people who are upset that …. Well, that she’s a 17 year old.

Billie, who has said in the past that she hates doing press, was recently on Jimmy Kimmel’s late night talk show, “Jimmy Kimmel Live”.

While she was there to discuss her new music, she also talked about still living in her childhood home and her upcoming 18th birthday.

And while they were on the topic of Billie’s age, Jimmy wanted to play a little game that would test her knowledge of the year that HE turned 17 – 1984.

Essentially, Jimmy would say something that was popular that year and Billie would say if she was familiar with it.

Okay, so it’s not really a game. Moreso just a 52 year old man pointing out that a 17 year old girl has a different knowledge of pop culture than he does.

But it was innocent enough, Billie said that she knows who Madonna and Cyndi Lauper are, but she also admitted to not knowing a lot of other famous musicians he brought up.

But there was one answer in particular that for some reason got the whole internet talking and subsequently TROLLING!

Okay, guys, I’d get why people might be upset if Billie said she had never heard of someone like Madonna or Michael Jackson, but Van Halen?

And you could tell that Billie was maybe a little uncomfortable with the whole so-called game as well.

I don’t know about the word “stupid”, maybe just being 17 and not born in 1984? I certainly don’t blame Billie for not knowing who Van Halen is.

In case you don’t know, they were a hair metal slash hard rock band from the 70’s.

And you know what? Go give this video a thumbs up if you couldn’t name one of their songs.

I’ll go give it a thumbs up right now too, because I certainly couldn’t think of any without looking them up first.

But you maybe might have heard a song or two from them, like “Hot For Teacher” or “Jump”.

Jimmy tried to reason with her and give her a valid excuse for not knowing some of 1984s pop culture moments, but people took the Van Halen clip out of context and ran with it.

And some people were actually mad at Billie for things that are totally out of her control.

Like this guy, who said “Yeah it was a long ago different time when musician stars were considered people who could actually play instruments and sing songs without a production team writing for them like Billie Eilish.”

To which I say, wow … you clearly know nothing about her! She and her brother, Finneas write they all their own lyrics and create the beats!

But as much as some people were trashing on Billie, there was plenty more that were coming to her defense.

Like this person, who said “I’m 30 and I don’t know what Van Halen is”

And this person who said “Let’s all laugh at the American Music Award winning, Grammy-nominated 17-year-old.”

And, of course, there was a plethora of just “okay, boomer” comments.

Someone took it a step further and blamed Jimmy for putting Billie in this situation in the first place.

They said “why are older men literally obsessed with making young girls look stupid”

I truthfully couldn’t care less that Billie doesn’t know who Van Halen is! But the internet certainly did.

There were so many people on both sides of the argument, that Van Halen was the number 1 trending topic for a while on Twitter.

And let me tell you, that’s the first time that they’ve trended at all this century.

So Van Halen should be thanking Billie Eilish, tbh!

Someone else brought up a very good point.

Some troll said, “Van Halen doesn’t know who Billie Eilish is.”

But I’m not here to pit two musical acts against each other. It’s not Billie Vs Van here, it’s Billie vs Boomers.

And the famous musician with multiple award nominations and a groundbreaking debut album is going to win 10 out of 10 times.

What do you guys think of all this? Do YOU know who Van Halen is? Drop a little spider emoji in the comments section if you didn’t know who they were. And put a guitar emoji if you were familiar with them before all this.

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