Wednesday, March 5

Brexit: government to seek meaningful vote on deal on Monday – live news

Brexit: government to seek meaningful vote on deal on Monday – live news

Follow the day’s Brexit fallout after Boris Johnson sent a letter requesting an extension, and another arguing against it

All is not well at the People’s Vote campaign, Rowena Mason reports: clashes between PR guru Roland Rudd and Labour peer Peter Mandelson have sent the organisation into crisis just as the prospect of testing MPs’ support for a second referendum becomes a reality.

Alastair Campbell’s involved, too, as a leak to the Mail on Sunday showed:

The emails suggested Mandelson and Alastair Campbell, another former New Labour communications adviser, had been attempting to work together against Rudd earlier this year. In one email, Campbell said: “I do not see how this gets done without a public battle and it should happen soon and be fast and brutal.”

Related: People’s Vote split by power struggle at crucial time for alliance

Of the six Labour MPs who voted against the Letwin amendment on Saturday, only Caroline Flint is not standing down. Helen Pidd went to her firmly leave-supporting constituency, Don Valley, to find out what her constituents think, and found that they remain firmly in her corner. 75-year-old Bob Davis, for example, said:

I think she’s wonderful. Absolutely wonderful. She has listened to her constituents, it’s as simple as that… It would be an insult to me to run a second referendum. I believe strongly in democracy.”

Related: ‘She has listened to us’: constituents back Labour rebel Caroline Flint

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