Tuesday, March 4

Bridge snaps plunging 30 Miss Thailand contestants into a dirty pond


Dramatic moment bridge snaps plunging 30 Miss Thailand contestants into dirty pondThis is the dramatic moment 30 beauty queens plunged into a pond when a bridge snapped.

The glamorous Miss Thailand hopefuls were taking part in the second day of the competition in Chiang Mai, Thailand, this morning (Dec 7).

As part of the contest, they were visiting a cafe and posing for pictures on a suspension bridge made from ropes connected to a steel walkway.

However, the structure could not hold their weight and it snapped – sending them crashing into the filthy water below.

Three of the girls were injured with one suffering cuts and bruises on her forehead while the two others had minor scrapes. They were all taken to hospital for a checkup but have been discharged.

Worapot Chatkanjana, 43, the embarrassed owner of the restaurant where the event was being held, promised to cover the treatment costs for the injured women. He donated 500,000 Baht (12,500GBP) to cover their bills.

He said: ”I’ll also pay for the other contestants to have their dresses cleaned professionally.

”I don’t know why the bridge broke. It is strong, but it just could not handle the weight of the women. In the future, we will make improvements to the bridge to be even stronger.”

The remaining 27 beauty pageant hopefuls continued the event, with three of their rivals missing. They will rejoin tomorrow.

Dr Adisorn Suddee, Director of the Miss Thailand 2020, said: ”Normally the contest is held in Bangkok, but this time we chose Chiang Mai and we were confident that it would be safe and secure.

”This was the second day of the contest and it was unexpected that the bridge would break.”

Beauty pageants are a booming industry in Thailand, with events held regionally and nationally throughout the year. Women can win the equivalent of hundreds of thousands of dollars in cash and prizes – as well as lucrative modelling and sponsorship agreements.

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