Sunday, February 23

British fighter jets appear to narrowly miss each other during training exercise

British fighter jets appear to narrowly miss each other during training exercise

A pair of British fighter planes appear to have almost collided during a training exercise over eastern England, according to a spine-tingling photo captured by an amateur photographer.

The two Royal Air Force pilots were reportedly practicing “dogfighting”— or a close-range battle — in their Eurofighter Typhoons when the encounter happened, according to The Telegraph.

That’s when Anthony Helcoop, an amateur photographer, took a picture that seemed to show the nose of one of the fighters nearly smashing into the tail of the other.

“Just before 5 p.m. on Thursday, I snapped these two Typhoons and thought, ‘Wow, that seemed very close,’” Helcoop told the Daily Mail.

“You see them doing all sorts of maneuvers, but this one seemed quite close for comfort,” he continued. “They did appear to get very near on this occasion.”


#raf #fighterjets #eurofightertyphoon

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