Thursday, March 27

Brooklyn parents warn playgrounds overrun with drug vials: ‘Finding them all over’

Brooklyn parents warn playgrounds overrun with drug vials: ‘Finding them all over’

Brooklyn parents say that several parks and playgrounds in Clinton Hill, Bed-Stuy and other nearby neighborhoods are overrun with used drug paraphernalia — including crack cocaine pipes and colorful “trash can” vials used to hold fentanyl or heroin. NY Post Senior Features writer Joshua Rhett Miller shares this story.

“We’re finding them all over — Crispus Attucks Playground, Hattie Carthan Playground, Herbert Von King Park, Jesse Owens Playground, Brower Park,” one exasperated mother told The Post Wednesday.

A group of parents recently cleaned up more than 100 pieces of drug paraphernalia over a seven-day span at Crispus Attucks in Clinton Hill, the 40-year-old Crown Heights homeowner said.

“My daughter was gifted a fentanyl container [from a playground] from another classmate,” said one artist mom whose daughter’s school uses Hattie Carthan Playground in Bed-Stuy. “It’s pretty horrific to have your kids come home with fentanyl containers.

“Our school has created a group of parents who clean the playground every morning before school,” she added. “Our principal, for a while, bought her own Master Lock to lock the playground because the city has cut funding to Parks and Recreation. So our playground that is connected to our elementary school doesn’t get cleaned up. Often the bathrooms are so filled with human waste that the children can’t play at the playground during the school day.”


#brooklyn #playground #clintonhill #bedstuy

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