Monday, March 31

Cabinet reshuffle: Sajid Javid resigns as chancellor – live news

Cabinet reshuffle: Sajid Javid resigns as chancellor – live news

Unexpected move comes as Boris Johnson begins much-anticipated reshuffle to his cabinet

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According to Sky News, Rishi Sunak, the chief secretary to the Treasury, is expected to be appointed chancellor.

And there will be a joint pool of advisers serving No 10 and No 11, Sky reports.

Sajid Javid, the chancellor, reportedly resigned because the PM insisted that he sack his advisers, and replace them with officials chosen by Number 10.

Such a move would amount to a repeat of what happened last year, when one of Javid’s advisers was sacked without his approval by Dominic Cummings, Boris Johnson’s chie adviser. Here is our story from the time.

Related: Adviser sacked by Cummings may have case for unfair dismissal – expert

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