Saturday, March 29

California high schooler blasts school district over trans student’s use of girls’ bathroom | NYPost

California high schooler blasts school district over trans student’s use of girls’ bathroom | NYPost

A California high school student has slammed her district for allowing a transgender student who is biologically male to put women’s safety in “jeopardy” by using the girls’ locker room – after a video emerged of the trans teen assaulting a female.

Megan Simpkins, 18, a senior at Martin Luther King High School in Riverside, gave an impassioned speech at a recent school board meeting, where she described the fight and assailed the district’s policy.

“There was an incident within our district that occurred recently regarding a transgender woman, who really is a biological man, having an altercation with a young woman at MLK High School,” she said at the April 27 board meeting.

“It was infuriating when I had seen the video on social media, but what was detrimental to this is the fact that this man is and has been using the women’s restroom and locker room,” Simpkins continues.

The outraged student warned officials about the issue of “biological men claiming they are women and, in turn, truly believing that they are entitled to use women’s spaces.”


#california #mlkhighschool #gender #riverside

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