Friday, March 28

Chicago man arrested at Boston airport for carrying ‘vampire straw’ through security | New York Post

Chicago man arrested at Boston airport for carrying ‘vampire straw’ through security | New York Post

A man allegedly tried to carry a “vampire straw” through airport security in Boston — but authorities bared their fangs and arrested him.

TSA agents at Logan International Airport on Sunday found the titanium straw with a beveled end inside the backpack of Arman Achuthan Nair, 26, of Chicago, the Boston Globe reported.

It was “artfully concealed among titanium chopsticks,” TSA spokesman Daniel Velez said.

State troopers confiscated the sharp implement at Terminal B near Gate 24 at about 5:40 p.m.

Achuthan Nair said he brought it from Szabo Inc., which sells knives and other edged instruments and weapons, officials said.

The company promotes the product — which sells for $85 — as a drinking straw that can be used for self-defense.


#vampirestraw #boston #airports #travel

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