Tuesday, March 4

Chicago mayor defends granting interviews only to reporters of color | New York Post

Chicago mayor defends granting interviews only to reporters of color | New York Post

Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot has reportedly defended her controversial decision to grant interview requests only to minority journalists — calling the number of non-whites covering her “unacceptable.”

“I would absolutely do it again. I’m unapologetic about it because it spurred a very important conversation, a conversation that needed to happen, that should have happened a long time ago,” Lightfoot told the New York Times’ “Sway” host Kara Swisher on Monday of the temporary May declaration.

As she marked her two-year anniversary in office in May, the Democrat — whose city is in the midst of a plague of gun violence and is on track to surpass last year’s total of 48 mass shootings — assailed the “overwhelming whiteness” of the Windy City’s media and announced that she’d grant one-on-one interviews only to minority members, Fox News reported.

#LoriLightfoot #Chicago #Race #NewYorkPost

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