Monday, March 31

Cody Simpson Dishes On BABIES With Miley Cyrus!

Cody Simpson Dishes On BABIES With Miley Cyrus!

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Cody Simpson has a lot on his plate these days, and while things are getting hot and heavy with Miss Miley… well maybe their bedroom life aint so hot and heavy, because when asked about future babies with his main lady… he didn’t seem too keen!

What’s up guys, I’m Sinead DeVries with Clevver News and sorry if you were hoping this adorable couple would be adding a little one to their family. It’s not happening — not anytime soon at least! But hey, at least Cody’s thinking about it and open to talking about it!

The singer went on the Kyle and Jackie O show to chat about his upcoming book, “Prince Neptune,” which is a collection of poems written by Cody. And of course, the hosts started proding into his personal life.

They went right in there with the hard questions:

Well that certainly put us into the TMI territory! So no kids for Cody yet. He’s taking the um… necessary precautions…

But of course, Kyle and Jackie O couldn’t just stop the personal questions there. They headed straight into his relationship with Miley. They may not be ready for kids, but this couple is doing just fine otherwise!

He kept his answer short and sweet. Honestly though, if you want a little more insight into his and Miley’s relationship, you need not look any further than their instagram accounts. This couple is anything but private!

In fact, Miley just called Cody her “best friend” on instagram with this pretty risky photo…

Happy birthday to my best friend in the entire world. I love you and our pirate life.

She added another birthday post with this cute video of them in face masks too. She wrote: happy birthday to my favorite human to get weird with on the entire earth.

Cody often returns the favor with some love for his girlfriend on instagram too.

He shared this photo recently writing, “I love this girl so much I could write 20 books.

So they’re relationship is just fine, even without the possibility of babies anytime soon. They’ve got a lot going on! In the same interview, Cody detailed his career plans.

For miley, she’s got a ton going on in her career too, which would make adding babies pretty tough. Though she hasn’t revealed her plans yet, the 27 year old singer rang in the new year with the ultimate tease for her fans.

And of course, she’s still fresh off her near 10 year relationship with her ex husband, Liam Hemsworth. The couple is currently in the middle of finalizing their divorce after only eight months of being married.

That’s certainly gotta be tough, despite the separation being a good thing for the former couple. A source told Hollywood Life that Liam is quote, “Truly happier now,” without Miley. Although, the source did add: “he will always love her and she’ll always love him.”

Miley did acknowledge her relationship with Liam in her decade review video she posted on instagram — even including the sweet moment they met: on the set of their 2010 film, “The Last Song.”

Ultimately though, Miley and Liam just didn’t work well together anymore.

“They split because Liam realized as he got older and grew up, they weren’t having a traditional marriage and relationship and that was hard for him and it wasn’t working for Miley, either. They both really wanted to live their lives differently.”

And that’s ok! Miley has clearly moved on with Cody Simpson, and Liam is currently seeing model, Gabriella Brooks.

The two were spotted in Australia packing on the PDA while hanging out at the beach with Liam’s family.

So it seems like everyone is pretty happy as is right now, wouldn’t you say?

Tell us about it in the comment section down below?

Are you happy that Miley and Liam have found love again after their divorce?

And weigh in on those baby questions too… what do you think of Cody’s “cautious” approach to having kids with Miley Cyrus. Better yet… what do you think SHE’s thinking with all this?

Leave us a comment down below.

And don’t forget to hit that subscribe button for more Miley/Cody news. Trust us! If anything changes on the baby front, you’ll be the first to know!

I’m Sinead DeVries, thanks for watching.

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