Tuesday, March 11

Cole Sprouse & Lili Reinhart TROLL Media With More Breakup Chatter!

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Alright everyone listen up because we’ve got another relationship update for you – unless you’re Lili Reinhart or Cole Sprouse in which case, block your ears because we know you’re sick of hearing relationship updates about yourselves…. right?

What’s up guys it’s Sussan Mourad here with Clevver News and two weeks after reports of their breakup spread across the internet, Lili Reinhart and Cole Sprouse are once again reminding and confusing EVERYONE about their relationship status! Sort of. I think. Ugh. I don’t know.

In an interview Variety did with Cole Sprouse about Cole Sprouse, Lili left a comment bringing up those “sources” again.

You know, the sources that her and her bf feast on to feul their bacchanalian sex cult

Ok moving on. So at the Power of Young Hollywood event that happened Tuesday night, Variety interviewed Cole about ‘Riverdale’ and his role in Hollywood.

And Lili commented on the post: “Sources say he’s single now- is he available?”

Cute I guess! But also like … still? All this back and forth, smoke and mirrors is really affecting our day to day life!

In their interviews with W magazine, you know the individual interviews that cleared up the breakup rumors back in July. Lili said about their relationship: “We are paired up a lot. We’re acknowledging that we’re in a relationship but it’s a small part of who we are as people – we want our own separate identities”

Which brings us back to the Variety interview

that was supposed to be about Cole But now all anyone is talking about is Lili’s cheeky comment.

But Cole is singing a different tune in a recent interview with Entertainment tonight

“I think you have to poke fun of it a little bit. It’s kind of something you sign up for, but as long as can keep it light and fun, it’s all good.”

Light and fun indeed, however some fans are kind of getting a bit annoyed about all this confusion that’s pulling on everyone’s heart strings.

Like this one who made a comment:
“their silence since the rumors started and then the way they finally said something had me thinking they planted the break up rumors earlier so that this would have more of an impact. but if that were the case, it feels like they failed because nobody cares

I don’t know. It seems like people care. But it also seems like Cole and Lili KNOW that people care. And let’s be honest, I think we all know that Cole and Lili have quite the sense of humor and don’t shy away from using it when poking fun at the media and reports on their relationship.

Anyway, her comment on Variety’s post has since been deleted

But right now I want to hear from you guys instead. Do you enjoy seeing the fun Lili and Cole poke at the media when it comes to reports on their relationship? Or is it all too painful for you? Let me know in the comment section below

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