Sunday, March 16

Colombian judge Vivian Polanía’s raunchy courthouse lap dance

Colombian judge Vivian Polanía’s raunchy courthouse lap dance

Order in the court! Video shows a notorious judge, Vivian Polanía, getting a lap dance from a male stripper at a work party held inside a courthouse in Colombia. In the wild video, the dancer grinds on her and then feeds her a penis-shaped waffle. Polanía defended the after-hours event, which she paid for herself, as “lively” and not “sexually explicit.”

Last year, Polanía was suspended for three months for wearing inappropriate attire and smoking during a video hearing. She was also investigated in 2020 after sharing saucy snaps of herself in lingerie in order to get a clothing discount. Colombia’s judicial oversight committee has ordered an investigation into this latest scandal.


#colombia #vivianpolania

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