Sunday, February 23

Cops defend trooper not chasing Charlotte Sena suspect during ransom note drop-off

New York authorities defended the state trooper who failed to immediately follow the man who was later arrested as a suspect in the kidnapping of Charlotte Sena when he dropped a ransom note off — saying the girl’s frantic family was receiving a steady stream of well wishes.

New York State Police spokesperson Deanna Cohen insisted to the New York Times that it did not seem unusual that Craig N. Ross Jr., 46, would drop off a note around 4:20 a.m. Monday at the Sena family’s home in Corinth because visitors had come “throughout the night.”

“Like many other instances where families are experiencing something traumatic, we anticipated there would be a flow of constant traffic in front of the house throughout the night to show support for the family,” NYSP public information officer Stephanie O’Neil added to Fox News Digital.


#charlottesena #craigrossjr #newyork #kidnapping

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