Monday, March 31

Coronavirus latest news: death toll in Italy passes 20,000; more than 1.87m cases reported worldwide

Coronavirus latest news: death toll in Italy passes 20,000; more than 1.87m cases reported worldwide

Spain records another drop in daily death toll; Singapore sees biggest daily jump in infections; China reports highest daily cases in over five weeks

  • Spain relaxes lockdown as daily coronavirus death toll falls to 517
  • Half of coronavirus deaths happen in care homes, EU data suggests
  • US coronavirus latest – live blog
  • Coronavirus latest: at a glance

Key developments in the global coronavirus outbreak on Monday include:

Brazil’s health minister has publicly defied President Jair Bolsonaro over coronavirus, accusing him of sowing doubt in Brazilian minds over the need for physical distancing, Tom Phillips in Rio de Janeiro reports.

In a Sunday night interview with Brazil’s most-watched television network, Luiz Henrique Mandetta signalled that Bolsonaro’s insistence on snubbing health ministry distancing recommendations was confusing the country’s 210 million citizens.

Related: Brazil: Bolsonaro’s defiance of distancing criticized by health minister

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