Monday, March 31

Coronavirus live news: Wuhan lab had bat viruses but not Covid-19 strain; Russia reports highest daily death toll

Coronavirus live news: Wuhan lab had bat viruses but not Covid-19 strain; Russia reports highest daily death toll

Lab says none of three bat viruses match Covid-19; new witnesses cast doubt on UK advisor’s lockdown claims; WHO says pandemic ‘taking different pathway’ in Africa

  • Wuhan lab says its bat strains were not Covid-19 as US nears 100,00 deaths
  • New witnesses cast doubt on Dominic Cummings’s lockdown claims
  • UK coronavirus updates – live
  • Coronavirus latest: at a glance

I’m taking a lunch break now but my colleague, Aaron Walawalkar, will steer you through the next hour or so.

What do we now know about Covid-19 – and can you get it twice? Nicola Davis has answers to your questions, based on current knowledge and the latest research from scientists.

Related: Explainer: what do we now know about Covid-19 – and can you get it twice?

Continue reading…

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