Tuesday, March 4

David Depape ID’d as hammer-wielding intruder who attacked Paul Pelosi | New York Post

David Depape ID’d as hammer-wielding intruder who attacked Paul Pelosi | New York Post

The man who allegedly attacked Paul Pelosi with a hammer has been named as David Depape by the San Francisco Police Department.

The 42-year-old is believed to have entered the Pelosi home through its rear and shouted, “Where’s Nancy?,” looking for the Democratic speaker of the House, who was in Washington, DC, at the time.

Depape is then said to have attempted to tie Paul up, saying they were going to wait “until Nancy got home,” according to CNN.

San Francisco Police Chief William “Bill” Scott said officers were dispatched to the Pelosi residence in the Pacific Heights neighborhood at 2:27 a.m. Friday, where they encountered the suspect and Paul, who both appeared to be holding a hammer.

Read more at https://nypost.com/2022/10/28/intruder-who-attacked-paul-pelosi-identified-as-david-depape/

#daviddepape #nancypelosi #paulpelosi #sanfrancisco

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