Sunday, March 9

Demi Lovato Almost Didn’t Return To Music After Overdose!

Demi Lovato Almost Didn't Return To Music After Overdose!

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Demi Lovato once again bares her heart to the world following her emotional Grammy performance, and she’s dropping some major truth bombs including thoughts about quitting music after her overdose…

What’s up guys, it’s Sinead DeVries with Clevver News, and if you tuned into last Sunday’s Grammy Awards, you also probably tuned deep into a box of Kleenex for multiple reasons.

On top of many raw, emotional performances and heartfelt tributes to Kobe Bryant following his sudden tragic death earlier in the day, Demi Lovato’s performance of “Anyone” pretty much just pushed us all over the edge.

There wasn’t a dry eye in the entire Staples Center that night, especially knowing that the track was written and recorded just four days before Demi overdosed back in 2018.

It probably also had to do with the fact that on her first attempt to sing the song onstage, Demi became overwhelmed with emotions, and quickly made the decision to start the song over.

She explained what happened when she was forced to pause and restart the song during an appearance on Andy Cohen’s Sirius XM Show saying, “I think I was just overwhelmed and overtaken by emotion.”

Despite starting over and ultimately moving the audience to tears, Demi admitted she “was really proud of the vocal and I thought, ‘I’ve never had a moment like this, you know, where I’ve sat down at a piano or that I’ve stood next to a piano and sang my heart out.”

She went on to say that having her biggest support system there in the front row meant the world to her, saying, “When I performed the song, I looked at the front row and I saw my mom and my two sisters, and I think seeing them in the front row just overwhelmed me with emotion.”

Demi added that she was also overwhelmed thinking about how this was her very first performance in a year and a half and how tough the journey has been going from the ICU to the Grammy stage.

Its special meaning, specifically due to the fact that it “represented exactly what I was going through, the vulnerability,” and that after she left the hospital, she was able to have a better grasp on her life as she was able to better see it for what it was.

But fans were even more shocked when Demi revealed that she had strong thoughts about quitting music altogether while in the hospital after everything went down.

She added, “It was a general thought. We didn’t know what was going to happen or how healthy I’d be when I left. It was a scary time in my life for sure.”

Well thank GOD she ended up pushing through the tough times, because if you happened to witness what all went down on that Grammy stage, you’d know that big things are sure to come for Demi.

That said, she basically manifested her big Grammy performance while in the hospital and still uncertain about where things were going to go from that point.

She told Andy that she told herself QUOTE, “If I ever come back from this, I end up going back to music and I’m on stage and I get a first performance, I want it to be at the Grammys and I want it to be this song.”

Naturally, the response has been overwhelmingly positive, and Demi revealed that she’s also feeling the love.

She said, “I’m just really, really grateful that the response has been so awesome. I think people are able to hear that song for what it is, which is a very emotional plea for anyone else listening.”

I just have to say that I’m seriously SO impressed with Demi for coming out literally on top after hitting rock bottom.

This all just shows so much about her strength and her willingness to speak out in hopes of helping others.

She’s set to sing the National Anthem before the game kicks off, and if those notes are anything like what we witnessed last weekend, I think it’s safe to say we’re in for a spectacular performance.

So we’ve got just a few more days until we get to see Demi tear it up on our TVs yet again…

Seriously though, twice in one week?!

I can get used to this.

But until then, I gotta know all your thoughts on Demi’s reflection on her Grammy performance, and were you surprised to hear that she came out to her parents?

Get the conversation going down here in the comments, and be sure to subscribe to our channel and click that bell for all the latest celebrity news updates, and then you can click right over here to check out another new video.

Thanks so much for watching Clevver News, I’m your host Sinead DeVries and have a great weekend!

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