Monday, March 10

Developers build device that projects 3D hologram images

Developers have built a device that successfully displays 3D hologram images on a table.

Voxon Photonics, a New York-based startup, released the VX1 device which is capable of forming 3D images like those seen in science fiction films.

The firm has been working on the technology since 2012, which is used experimentally for 3D video conferences and gaming arcades, among other things. The company describes the VX1 display as the most advanced volumetric 3D display on the market.

Voxon’s display technology does not require special glasses like VR, AR or 3D in the cinema. A standard projector casts the light layer by layer onto a rapidly moving surface. The movements are so fast that the human eye perceives them as a unit.

Footage shows the device recreating the object being illustrated on software into a holographic display.

In another video, the device was able to display a hologram mimicking a man’s hand movements on top of it.

Inventor Gavin Smith and Will Tamblyn from Nesta Labs worked together with Voxon after they had the idea for the prototype centred around the ability to control the placement of a point of light.

Gavin said they used to receive bad comments such as ‘building largely unnecessary inventions’ but they believe they are helping with the advancement of technology.

He said: ‘Our slogan is to take what had only been imagined and bring it to life.

‘We never had this as a slogan or mission statement, but with hindsight, this was what drove us both to experiment, free from rules, and sensibilities, and people who knew better, telling us not to waste our time.’

According to Voxon, the display technology offers new ways to ‘visualize, communicate, learn and have fun together’. It is installed in a holo slot machine, among other things.

Gavin said that they used to build devices in Will’s backyard shed in Adelaide, Australia which they received critics for being ‘unnecessary.’

These inventions include magnetic bike shoes, inverted record players, and others.

The VX1 is available now for $9800 USD which they say is ‘ideally suited for universities and other organisations where analysis and presentation of complex data is common.’

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