Thursday, March 13

Disturbing new footage shows Salvador Ramos in Uvalde school, cops running | New York Post

Cops responding to the Uvalde, Texas, school shooting ran away from gunshots while 19 children and two teachers were left to die in their classrooms, according to new footage of the horrifying attack published Tuesday.

The disturbing video, first obtained by the Austin American-Statesman, shows how police officers dillydallied in the hallway of Robb Elementary School instead of charging toward 18-year-old gunman Salvador Ramos as he systematically slaughtered 21 people on May 24.

The 77-minute clip shows officers rushing into the school just minutes after 18-year-old Ramos began his rampage, but rather than confront him, they stopped and lingered — with one cop in a helmet and vest even seen using a wall-mounted hand sanitizer and checking his phone.

#uvalde #salvadorramos #horrifying


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