Monday, March 10

Donnie Yen — The Truth Biography (Then and Now)

Donnie Yen — The Truth Biography (Then and Now)
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If you are not afraid of drunk Shaolin masters, if you are not afraid of fire cheetahs and strange couples, if you are delighted even from the spin-offs of “Highlander” and “Star wars”, then you have come to the right place, because the glorious Yip Man has been waiting! We hope you have subscribed to our channel, because we will not limit ourselves to one video, but for now please sit back and hold your breath – we are starting!

Our today’s hero came to cinematography accidentally, when he was only twenty years old. Today he is 56, and he has more than 70 cinema and television projects, where he was not only an actor, but also a choreographer, as well as a director, screenwriter, producer and even a composer. He even looks like a God, although he believes in Tao: he’s handsome, he’s well-groomed, he’s 5 feet 8 inches tall, and with ideal 165 pounds – this depends on the character he embodies at the moment… Okay, let us introduce – the unique Zhen Tze-dan, better known as Donnie Yen!
He was born July 27, 1963 in Guangzhou in the family of Mao Bouzhen, better known as Bow-Sim Mark, martial artist, and Clyster Yen, who worked as newspaper’s editor. His amazing mother is 77, but she is still considered an outstanding specialist in Wushu and Tai Chi: heads of martial arts schools regularly visit her estate in Newton, Massachusetts in order to receive valuable instructions from the great Master. His father is known much less – he did not gain such fame as his wife and especially his offspring, perhaps because he was engaged in much more peaceful and calm affairs: in addition to the newspaper, he played the violin.

In 1992, Donnie was invited to the second part of “Once in China”, where Jet Li, with whom they met in Beijing, was a star. So Yen’s finest hour came – in addition to earned money and several awards at different film festivals, the movie gave him some new acquaintances, which allowed him to join the Dream Factory and take part in the filming of more than seventy movies and TV films.
Five years after “Once in China-2” and several successful projects in cinema and television Donnie Yen made first film of his own – “The Legend Of Wolf”. Then there were “The Ballistic Kiss,” “The Twins,” and other pictures, and although everyone says Donnie Yen is primarily an actor, his works as a director should be respected not less than his roles – as well as his works in other arts.
Despite the constant employment in the movie, Yen finds time for charity. Since 2012, he has been working on the project “Go Asia”, dedicated to the consolidation of efforts of disparate donors in favor of the poor and refugees, and attracted to it many famous people from the cinema world. He even spoke at one of the large-scale forums of the Canadian WE Foundation, visited the refugee camp in Thailand and became an Ambassador of the international organization “Save Children”.

According to Donnie, the main secret of a successful family life is not “amount in account”, but mutual listening of the couple – as they do. Donnie Yen really adores his wife and shows her where possible, going together with her everywhere. So tough guys, that are busy all the time and participating in everything including two new films (in 2020 “Mulan” and “Sleeping Dogs” will be released, and even Yen’s personal website says “See You Soon”), are able to be tender and sensual!