Saturday, March 29

Dove Cameron & Thomas Doherty Headed for Marriage?!?

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Dove Cameron & Thomas Doherty are still going strong. So strong in fact that she is making a bold declaration and we are so happy for her.

What’s up y’all it’s Emile Ennis Jr. here with Clevver News and Dove Cameron opened up about her relationship with boyfriend Thomas Doherty in an exclusive interview with Entertainment Tonight and if you don’t have a box of tissues, get ready.

So Dove and Thomas have been dating for three years now and of course they both starred in Descendants together, but it looks like she may be ready to take things to the next level.

So before we get into what Dove said about Thomas, Thomas actually sat down with ET a few weeks ago and gushed about Dove.

In that interview he goes on to say the sweetest things about his girlfriend like QUOTE, “She is just the most incredible person I’ve ever met. I think people see her as so talented — because obviously that’s her job, to perform and all the rest of it — but she’s the most compassionate and the most patient and the most genuine, loving person I’ve ever met. And so kind and so generous. She’s amazing. She really is.”

Find you a man who talks about you the way Thomas talks about Cameron.

Anyway in Dove’s interview with ET, they show her the clip of what Thomas had to say and her reaction is so cute because she actually teared up watching her boyfriend say all these nice things about her, but when talking about what made her emotional she said, “I cry, like, every day when I’m with him because…he’s just the most pure, loving, selfless, generous, kind [person]. His life is about the people that he loves and I feel so lucky to be loved by someone like that.”

But then I got emotional because their love is so sweet. She talked about the fact that being in a long distance relationship is hard, but there was one time she went to London to visit him before they were official and the way she describes the moment is beautiful. She said, “We weren’t officially boyfriend and girlfriend. We were just dating. We made eye contact and I burst into tears. He was like, ‘What is going on with you?’ And I was like, ‘I just don’t think I ever thought I would have the privilege to feel so seen by somebody.”

Ugh. Don’t we all just want to be seen and loved by somebody.

But we have to get to the juicy part of the convo. Is Dove getting married to Thomas. Well, it looks like it’s a big fat maybe. So when asked she said, “I go back and forth on whether that is a thing that I even want to do. I think…yeah, if I’m going to marry anyone, it’s going to be him.

This is just so sweet and we are so happy for Dove and Thomas. But even though Dove assured us that she is good, she also let us know that she does struggle with anxiety and opened up about her mental health. At one point she said, “It’s nice to remember that no matter how perfect somebody’s life looks, that’s not what it looks like.”

She has released new music and of course fans want to know if she has a new album on the way, but she said she doesn’t know if an album is coming because she doesn’t think that an album is the smartest choice for her. She said the current plan is to release singles and videos as opposed to a full album.

However, even though we may not be getting an album, she did confirm that more music is coming extremely soon. And speaking of music, she reiterated that her dream role would be Glenda in Wicked and that’s when ET’s Katie Krause revealed to Dove that Kristen Chenoweth wants her and Ariana Grande in the movie.

So it looks like we will have to wait and see what happens with a possible Descendants 4, Dove playing Glenda in a future Wicked movie, her releasing an album, Thomas proposing…wait that’s a lot. Geez. Dove is busy.

And if you haven’t heard her new song, it’s so good! No literally, he song is called so good and you should check it out because she’s definitely focusing more on her music.

But I’m focused on what you have to say. What do you think about what Dove had to say about Thomas? And would you be here for a Descendants 4? And do you love Dove’s new song? Let’s chat it out in the comments section below. After you’re done with that, be sure to hit that subscribe button and click that bell so you don’t miss a single thing. And then click right over here for even more entertainment news.

I’m Emile Ennis Jr.! Thank you so much for watching Clevver News and I’ll see you next time. Because you subscribed.

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