Saturday, March 29

Dramatic video shows cop using screwdrivers as oars while rescuing pilot | New York Post

Dramatic video shows cop using screwdrivers as oars while rescuing pilot | New York Post

Dramatic body-cam video captured the moment a Maryland cop jumped into a kayak and used two screwdrivers to pull herself across an ice-covered river to rescue a 71-year-old pilot.

Anne Arundel County Police Officer Elizabeth Myers is seen in the footage grabbing a kayak and using screwdrivers in place of oars to slide to plane wreckage on Beards Creek on Dec. 26.

“Oars don’t work on ice, but screwdrivers do,” the department said in a release.

Steve Couchman of Prince Frederick, Md., was the only person on the single-engine Piper Cherokee when it crashed moments after takeoff from Lee Airport, NBC Washington reported.


#police #rescue #caughtoncamera #bodycam

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