Monday, March 31

Driver with Nazi flag charged with threat to kill or harm prez, VP or family member in DC crash

Driver with Nazi flag charged with threat to kill or harm prez, VP or family member in DC crash

The driver of a U-Haul truck that barreled into a security area near the White House has been arrested on multiple charges, including threatening to kill or harm a president, vice president, or family member — as a Nazi swastika flag was retrieved from the vehicle.

The man, whose identity has not been disclosed, crashed the box truck onto barriers on the north side of Lafayette Square — about a block from the White House — at about 10 p.m. Monday.

The suspect faces the charge of threatening to kill, kidnap or inflict harm on a President, vice president or family member, the US Park Police said in a statement to The Post.

He also faces charges of assault with a dangerous weapon, reckless operation of a motor vehicle, destruction of federal property and trespassing, according to the agency.

A video posted by The Insider Paper shows the dramatic moment the vehicle mounted a curb and slammed into the security barrier.


#dc #whitehouse #uhaul

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