Sunday, March 9

Dylan Mulvaney says it should be ‘illegal’ to use wrong pronouns | New York Post

Transgender influencer Dylan Mulvaney once said it should be “illegal” for people to refer to her by the incorrect pronouns.

Mulvaney aired her grievances in a newly resurfaced TikTok video, titled “Adult Bullies,” in which she described the hate she has been subjected to ever since starting her online account.

In the October 2022 video, which is currently being shared on Twitter, the 26-year-old took aim at unidentified conservative journalists who have constantly referred to her as a “man” in their media coverage.

“Like, the articles written about me using ‘he’ pronouns and calling me a man over and over again, I feel like that should be illegal. I don’t know, that’s just bad journalism,” Mulvaney said in the October 2022 video.

She insisted those articles were “even worse” than when people have falsely accused her of being a pedophile.


#dylanmulvaney #media

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