Monday, March 10

Elephant charges at a bus, smashing its front windscreen.

#elephant #bus #elephantcharge #wildlife #wildelephant
This is the moment an elephant in southern India charged at a bus, smashing its front windscreen.

Eyewitness video shared with permission from one of the passengers shows the elephant in front of the bus and smashing the front windscreen with its tusks.

The incident occurred on Saturday morning in Coonoor, a municipality of the Nilgiris district, on a road that runs through dense forest areas and is a habitat for many wild animals.

The bus was carrying government workers. The driver stopped the bus when it came across the elephant. The passengers appear to make their way to the back of the bus as the driver moves out of his seat but in front of the other people on the bus.

The animal soon returned to the forest and after a short while, the driver was able to start up the bus and drive the passengers to safety.

The driver won praise online from officials for his actions.

Supriya Sahu, Principal Secretary, Environment, Climate Change & Forests, at the Government of Tamil Nadu, tweeted: “Huge respect for the driver of this Government bus in Nilgiris who kept his cool even under the terrifying hits on the bus from an agitated tusker. He helped passengers move back safely, in an incident today morning. That’s why they say a cool mind works wonders.”

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