Monday, March 31

Ellen Barkin says ‘jealous’ Johnny Depp threw wine bottle at her | New York Post

Ellen Barkin says ‘jealous’ Johnny Depp threw wine bottle at her | New York Post

A “jealous” and constantly high Johnny Depp once threw a wine bottle at Ellen Barkin in Las Vegas, the actress testified Thursday in her ex-lover’s defamation trial against Amber Heard.

“I don’t know why he threw the bottle,” Barkin said in a recorded deposition played for the Fairfax, Virginia, jury.

The Bronx-born actress said she had a “romantic” relationship with Depp in the 1990s — and then asked the lawyer deposing her, “Can you change that to sexual?”

She said Depp launched the bottle while fighting with others in a Las Vegas hotel room, but could not recall who else was present.

#EllenBarkin #JohnnyDepp #AmberHeard

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