Sunday, February 23

Ex-student accused of killing Univ. of AZ professor caught saying ‘at least I fulfilled my mission’

Ex-student accused of killing Univ. of AZ professor caught saying ‘at least I fulfilled my mission’

The former University of Arizona grad student accused of killing a professor made a chilling confession after police walked out of his interrogation, according to newly released video.

Murad Dervish, 47, was filmed muttering to himself when detectives took a break from grilling him last year over the fatal shooting of Professor Thomas Meixner hours earlier.

“Well, at least I fulfilled my mission,” Dervish says with an apparent sinister smile.

Because the apparent confession was made after the suspect was read his Miranda rights, the statement will likely be used in court for prosecutors to establish premeditation in the Oct. 5, 2022 murder of the U of A professor, CBS 5 reported.

Meixner, 52, the school’s head of the Department of Hydrology and Atmospheric Sciences, was shot on the Tucson campus where Dervish, had been expelled and banned from visiting.

New footage from the day of the shooting shows several people inside the John W. Harshbarger building running away or ducking for cover moments after Meixner was killed.


#muraddervish #universityofarizona #thomasmeixner

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