Monday, March 31

EXCLUSIVE: GOT7 Makes K-pop TV History!

EXCLUSIVE: GOT7 Makes K-pop TV History!

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A LOT of you guys went to our Twitter page last week telling us to interview GOT7 and since you were so nice about it, we listened.

What’s up guys it’s Emile Ennis Jr. with Clevver News. GOT7 just had their American TV debut on NBC’s “Today” this week making history!

In fact, they were the first Kpop group to be featured on the national morning news program.

Before their big show, our sister publication Seventeen sat down with them to get to know a little more about the KPop idol group, and during that time they got us an EXCLUSIVE interview with the boy band.

Our first question we had to get off our chest was, What do you think of Kpop becoming a worldwide phenomenon.

The group said: “We didn’t really expect Kpop to be this big of a phenomenon in the states. It’s really special. I’m grateful and to all the other bands, we’d like to thank them also.”

He continues by saying “I hope it doesn’t remain just a buzz. I hope it becomes a genre in The States”.

We then had the chance to ask: How do you set yourself apart from other Kpop groups?

First of all I think we speak a lot of languages. So when we’re on tour we’re capable of speaking English. We have members of The States, from Thailand, from China, and from Korea so usually on tour we don’t use any MCs. We’re capable of doing it by ourselves, so it’s very global. And the second thing is I think it’s about the performance that we bring to the audience on stage. We can flip, we do marital arts…… and we’re crazy. We’re savage 7.

I like it, the Savage 7… may have to be their next band name??

Us here at Clevver were still curious to know more about their future music, so of course we asked…. what would your dream collaboration be?

Okay, so maybe some crazy techno K-pop to come in the future!

As for how they’ve handled fame… the guys said quote: ‘First of all, I feel responsible and pressure to maintain a relationship with my parents. And also I feel the need to improve myself and get better and better.”

And let me just say, the more I see these boys perform, the better they seem. So comment below who else you’d like to see us interview.

And if this wasn’t enough GOT7 for you, you can watch the full interview on our sister publication Seventeen’s YouTube channel dropping later this summer! We’ll make sure to remind you of the interview if you subscribe to Clevver News.

And click that bell so you can get all of our latest news updates. Thanks for watching.

***Make sure to catch Seventeen’s Exclusive Interview with GOT7 and for more GOT7 content this summer subscribe to Seventeen’s Youtube:

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