Sunday, February 23

F-16 pilots struggled to ID object shot down over Lake Huron, audio reveals | New York Post

F-16 pilots struggled to ID object shot down over Lake Huron, audio reveals | New York Post

Dramatic cockpit audio confirms that two US Air Force pilots had difficulty tracking the unknown object they shot down over Lake Huron on Sunday — at one point debating between themselves about whether it was a balloon.

The pilots of the F-16 Falcons from the Wisconsin Air National Guard were scrambled to intercept the object near the Canadian border, but were hampered in identifying it because of the glare of the sun.

“I wouldn’t really call it a balloon … I don’t know what … I can see it outside with my eyes,” one of the pilots says on the recording obtained by the Drive.

“Looks like something … there’s some kind of object that’s distended in the air. It’s hard to tell, it’s pretty small,” he says, pointing out that the glare in the cockpit is making it difficult to get a good look at his quarry.


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